Thursday, September 27, 2018

Don't make this mistake while buying Southwest Gift Cards!

Cliff Notes Summary: If you see the error message below while buying Southwest gift cards, it went through!  Don't buy another one!  Also, the error may be from your browser, for me using Firefox even with uBlock (an ad-blocker) disabled still gave me the error, using Microsoft Edge worked fine.

Part of American Express's Personal Platinum Card's benefits is that you get a credit for $200 credit for airline incidental fees, technically I hear it's not supposed to work for gift cards but it's worked for years.

So every year I buy gift cards, then the credit hits a few days later, but while I'm buying the gift cards on I got this error message after putting in my credit card info.

So I figure the payment failed for some reason.  So I try again, I get the same message again.  Then I remember this exact thing happened last year.  Which was that I ended up buying $400 worth of gift cards when I only want to buy $200.

And lo and behold, when I log onto amex's website, I see 2 pending charges for $200. 😠😣😫

Last time, Southwest told me there are no refunds on gift cards and I had to spend lots of time to get it refunded.  I think this is going to happen again this year.

I just called now 9PM Pacific Time and the person answering the phone can only book reservations and can't help with gift cards and refunds, I'll have to call HQ tomorrow at the number she gave me.  Good thing I saved the screenshot.

Summary and lesson learned: when you see that error message above, do not assume the order didn't go through, wait until the next day or so to see if you get a gift card.  Or maybe it'll be easier to just buy them over the phone.

Update: I called Southwest this morning (after calling last night) and they said they don't see the orders in the system so they think the pending charges will just drop off but they don't know for sure.  She said there was a customer yesterday who ran into something similar where his charges were getting declined and the pending charges eventually fell off.  I don't think my case is the same.  I'll just give it another day and attempt to buy another one tomorrow.

2nd Update: After waiting 3 days with the pending charges still showing but no gift cards in my email, I felt safe enough to try buying it again, but I kept getting the same messages, so now I probably have about $1000 in pending charges from Southwest.  Then I tried disabling the uBlock adblocker on Firefox with the same result.  Then I thought to use a different browser and surely, using Microsoft Edge made the purchase go through without issue.  So if you see the error message above, try using Microsoft Edge.

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